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 FIVE out of FIVE Star Reviews:


5.0 out of 5 stars “Gardens keep on growing when the gardeners are wise.” September 22, 2013

By Grady Harp (Los Angeles, CA United States) - 

This review is from:The Wacky World of Wendy White! a Whopper of a Tale (KIndle Edition)


Barbara Ann Bonilla has created a book so full of fun, good adventures, wisdom about the importance of alternative family, and special surprises that make this book not only hilarious and warmly moving to read, but also a test of observations of concepts and words - and food! It is 100% successful.


. . . This is a clever, very fun story and should join the library of every family's home where children (of all ages!) live.


5.0 out of 5 stars  “A real giggle inducer”  September 22, 2013

By Charles Ashbacher (Marion, Iowa United States) - See all my reviews

This review is from: The Wacky World of Wendy White! a Whopper of a Tale (Paperback)

This collection of puns and associated wordplay focused on types of food and places where you can order a meal will elicit giggles from young readers.

. . . There are two memorable sentences on page 19, "They strolled by Aunt Jemima's house, a rustic brown log cabin. On the porch rocked Mrs. Butterworth." Those three references to types of pancake syrup in two sentences is a work of genius.
.  .  .  That is the highest praise that I can give a book written for young children.


5.0 out of 5 stars   “A Delicious Read”  September 29, 2013

By Sandra K. Stiles (Sarasota, Florida) -  

This review is from: The Wacky World of Wendy White! a Whopper of a Tale (Kindle Edition) 

This was a fun book toread.   . . . I loved the food references all throughout this book. This is definitely an adventure you need to take your child on as you read this wonderful book.


5.0 out of 5 stars  “What An Adventure!” September 30, 2013

By Brenda Patterson "pattersonmom24" (Alabama) 

This review is from: The Wacky World of Wendy White! a Whopper of a Tale (Paperback)

This is the most delightful children's book that I have read in a long time. I read it out loud to my children and they just laughed and laughed. They were also able to start recognizing familiar phrases right away.
. . . This witty story is brilliant. For the flow to continue the way it did throughout the book, the author has to be quite talented. The play on words was exceptional. Our family enjoyed it so much that they asked if the author had any more stories like this one.


5.0 out of 5 stars  “Wacky fun for young cooks!” October 1, 2013

By Mark Max 

This review is from:The Wacky World of Wendy White! a Whopper of a Tale (Paperback)

I haven't seen a book that motivated children to be involved with food in such a fun way.
It’s a great angle to take with young people as they get engaged with the book and want to go to the kitchen
to create their own great recipes. The kids I've read to respond enthusiastically, it seems the younger ones love the illustrations
and the other pre-teens feel familiar and comfortable as if they know the book was written specifically for them. I am anxious to read Barbara's next tale and the children seem to be eager as well. Congratulations, well done!


5.0 out of 5 stars  “Will make you smile and smile again!” September 5, 2013

By SCD "William Dube"

This review is from: The Wacky World of Wendy White! a Whopper of a Tale (Paperback)

I can't remember the last time I read a book that kept me smiling the whole time! . . . It is so clever, that you will marvel at the inclusion of all the fast food references, and all of the rhyming genius that is there to entertain. This is a truly unique work of amazing reading pleasure for one and all. Can't wait for the next one!


5.0 out of 5 stars  “Laughed my @$$ off!!!” September 30, 2013

By Vincenzo 

I thought this book was hysterical from the very first sentence until the very end . . . Can't wait for the movie to come out as long as it comes with a happy meal. 



5.0 out of 5 stars   "Interesting and unique" Wednesday, October 2, 2013

My Review of The Wacky World of Wendy White! a Whopper of a Tale (Paperback)

I recently received the opportunity to review an interesting and unique book ... The Wacky World of Wendy White! This is a cute story involving lots of tasty treats... from candy to restaurants. It will leave you feeling up for a snack of some kind. :)



5.0 out of 5 stars   "More than 100 food references in the story!!"       Kids Book Reviews October 30, 2013 

By Karyn Tripp

The whole book is written in rhyming verse and has subliminal food messages throughout the story!  It is a lot of fun to read through and figure out all the references to foods, restaurants, and candy. My kids and I laughed through it as we discovered all of them. There are more than 100 food references in the story!! It just might make you hungry as you read it! At the end of each chapter the author asks how many food references you have discovered.   My son re-read through the book after we read it together and underlined all of the food references.



5.0 out of 5 stars "Laugh out loud funny"  Chicago Examiner November 22, 2013

By Katherine Moser

The Wacky World of Wendy White: A Whopper of a Tale! is fresh, innovative, creative, laugh out loud funny and will make your mouth water with this spin on pop culture cuisine. It’s a juvenile fiction book, which even adults will enjoy. In fact, adults may appreciate it more since they will understand the pop food culture craze. This is a five-star book review with five-star food cravings.





5.0 out of 5 stars "Very Clever"  Goodreads November 25, 2013

By Lauren Nagel  


This book is a very amusing and thoughtfully written story is written using the brand names of every kind of snack, cookie, candy bar, and restaurants. This book is going to make many children laugh out loud when they read this. It is a wacky story and fun to read. It's quite creative and very clever. This is book that all kids including grownups would enjoy reading a couple of times, in my opinion.

There are so many references to food throughout the book, at least a hundred or more. The pictures are adorable and colorful and all drawn by the author, Barbara Ann Bonilla. I would be willing to bet that she had a great time coming up with all these funny rhymes.

This will entertain almost all ages. Great gift idea and perfect for that special someone with a sweet tooth!

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